On the trail of Maharaja’s and beyond
India, a country that had always intrigued me but somehow I wasn’t ready to go. I wasn’t ready for the confrontation with the sights, sounds and smells of this enourmous country and it’s massive population. Could I deal with the extremes, the poverty and the dirt? Would I be able to handle all this and enjoy the beauty that the country without doubt has to offer.
Till now I wan’t sure but when Paul and I were discussing our next travel plans once again India came in sight. This time however we proceeded with our plans and created an itinerary that would bring us to the best of classical India. The Taj Mahal, Varanassi, Rahjastan, just to name a few…
To make things a bit easier for the first time we decided to have our trip organised by savion, an Indian tour company who arranged all the hotels, trainrides and a private driver to accompany us on our trip.
Was it worth it? To be honest we were blown away by India… It turned out this was only the first of many times we would return. The beginning of a love story with a county that does not have it’s equal…
Start the journey from Delhi to Agra